I am back to the usual life of a student after having three months of laksa,roti canai.... All sorts of Asian delights you can think of!
I feel the pressure coming, fast and steady.
This year ahead will mean a lot to me.
I am now an A2 student.
Which means exams are lining up ahead.
Interviews, Rejections, Offers, Universities... Woah! all the big guys are coming in a package!
What about now? It's all about Personal statement !
Typing good words about yourself is just plain weird and painful.
As boring as you can imagine, I read my drafts more than 3 times per day like a bedtime story-well, even I can't help feeling bored tbh..Urghh
The introductory paragraph is my headache as always.
It needs to be interesting, persuasive,sensible,logical....such a badasss I say and I mean it!
If only my mind is printable,it will be so much easier. Especially when the hardest thing to do is to express everything in words-and I realize my grammar farm is just too limited to do so!
My reason to study medicine sounds like a cliche though..sigh.
On the bright side, my first autumn is on its way!
My first mid-autumn festival overseas-I shall compare and see if the moon is really much brighter here! haha!
I had my windbreaker ready,my heart sorted.
Now preparing for BMAT and hope everything goes well!
I have a feeling that the next post shall be even more interesting than this random murmur above
Until then, forgive my lazinesssss to update :P
What kind of world do you want? Think Anything. I walk everywhere with an adventurous and observant heart.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Adrenalin Rush 10cc
*Cough* *Cough*
Gee it's accumulating dust here!
Been away for about a month, guess it's time to exercise my fingers ..
There's not much going on in my life for now.
Just enough to keep me busy and satisfied.
Hmm, although my weekends are super boring :/
First of all,
I'm missing The Olympic Games in the UK this year!
Gaahh..how pathetic is that :( UK-kaki now but swam back to Malaysia just before it.
Well, flipping through the papers everyday just to read Olympic news is so NO WIN AT ALL. ehh?!
Just saying but I've only been to the olympic games countdown clock though,
I should be punished for wasting my opportunity there (muahahaha although got nice Char Siu )
Duh ,So gonna pay a visit to the Olympic Stadium when i get back!
My weekdays are not wasted larh..
Luckily, I've got the chance to shadow a doctor (TeeHEE) for SIX weeks!
Just started my journey last week, and I was really glad (Thank God!) the doctor's really kind.
So basically, I'm like half a doctor (hmm, sometimes calling that kinda makes one feels proud haha)
Forcing my eyelids to unfold at 6.30 each morning
Get dressed
Eat breakfast
Invade the roads
then I'll wait for the doctor outside his clinic..
Gotta say :Paying visits to patients in the wards , especially in the morning, is an ART.
It's the beginning of their day, instantly you're not only treating them, you're making their day!
A smile and a sweet morning greet-So simple, yet truthful, Is all for the recipe!
Following a doctor these few days,
I've seen a lot more than i can ever imagined.
We will certainly know someone in our life that is expected by parents to become a professional
Doctors, for instance, are always among the 'HAVING A KID LIKE THIS=SUCCESS' choices
Just by looking at the surface, so thin and fooled,
Thats what they say, that is what the world always say.
'Be a lawyer lah, don't be a doctor, so time eating lahh,earn less some more orh'
That is what my doctor told me.
Strange ahh? Doctors don't usually recommend anyone to study medicine.. haha!
I guess it's a trend for those stethoscope holders nowadays!
Trading time for money is one true fact.
Occasionally You earn, but you don't have time to spend them.
Being a doctor, you're more than an employee for patients
Learning throughout your journey
Dealing with Pain,Sad,Passion and Sick
I guess that's why Drs are always grey-haired.
Too much to take into account!
Funny thing is, sometimes the most difficult ones are not patients, they are the family members
They expect more, knowing nothing that a doctor's a human being too.
Endless requirements
Blames and self-gulping tears
Still wanna be one?
I've changed my view.
Don't take me wrong , i'm not encouraging you to stop your journey if you're heading for it.
I just prefer the view from the negative side first :]
This is my ambition.
Never changed.
I'm ready.
Are you?
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Against_____ the wind
On wheels.
"It is not down in any map; true places and memories never are."
This day 20-05-2012
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sometimes nature makes the best music. |
They say
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes
but with new eyes."
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Obssesed. Glamour. |
A sunny day
with a sweet touch of cool breezeSummer____ is here.
1st time I am able to experience the change of seasons after a decade of life on earth
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Here we are at the western side of Brighton city- Seven sisters, this weekend. |
Perfect Havenfor nature lovers like me.
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Bumpy Ride in the forest! |
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Way into the forest. |
love the f and P s
Love the way the wind conducts
But heart filling
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One of The seven sisters. There are in total seven of them. Wonder if a light house will make it look even more dreamy. |
Really short post.
Just wanted to relax and gear up for the challenges ahead.
Muchas gracias
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Pieces make a whole
Kinetic energy of molecules in the air : Low
Turbulent wind knocking on my window
Glowing dim light with a touch of Tea aroma in the air
Yes this is a random evening in the weekends
Not more than 10 days till the AS exams
Everyone's stocking up their brains with numbers and figures
Hmm, Well obviously I'm following the trend
Flipping through numerous past papers and recalling concepts
Im pretty sure this isn't the end of the horror *V shaped arms+ haizz*
Well life goes on
Pretty sure I'm going to have a pleasant time with the 'Science Triplets.'
.. alright, i have to stop this bad opening =w=
this week just went by in the blink of an eye
It's rather strange because what used to be my strongest subject- physics
had became my most frustrated subject
headache with all the Random explanation questions.. tsk..!
Guess thats the main difference between the westie and eastern educations
The latter prefer the 'vomit-it-out' theory
while i prefer the western's applied science
Anyway i have to admit that recently there's this tv-series that caught me addicted to
BBC's Junior doctor:Your Life in their hands
It was a rather cool and realistic(suppose so) series which reflects what it feels like -being a freshman in
the particular field
'With greater skill brings greater responsibility'
remembered hearing this famous words in a few movies
But i guess Thats what a doctor carries on his/her shoulder
A simple stethoscope
indicates a whole lot
indicates a whole lot
How would you react to a sudden cardiac arrest
How would you tell a patient he's waiting to die
Those were my questions
which i seek to find in medicine
I am seventeen years and 3 months old.
Now dealing with my first junctions in the pathway of life
I am sure there's millions out there
Striving for a place as well
Before the end, This is for you.
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Credits to the owner of this wonderful pic* |
Until then
Life savers
We are not far away.
For I am half way there.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Journey back to the WEST! =D
First week of school is up again after a looong Easter holiday!
Bare with this photo-less post...
lazy to upload photo /.\ sorry...
Last weekend was a truly Amazing+Epic experience!
-The Almost Endless Flight Chaos
Yes, as the title says:
It took me almost 24 hours just to get from Singapore back to the UK!
That GodDamn flight delayed and i was sitting in a fully-packed and stuffy air cabin for two hours...
U can't imagine that feeling when i finally (after flight changing+8 hours of aimless 'journey' in Dubai Airport) Got up into the plane back TO UK! its like unbuttoning the Very tight jeans u're wearing= Great Relief!!Phew!
luckily My baggage was safe too!
God Blessed!!
-Premed Course in London Imperial College
A super cool experience to the prestigious imperial college last saturday morning!
Got on an early bird train to london victoria station first of all
But there's no way to be kiamsiap that day TT
Tubes CLOSED haizzzz
So took a cab to the college (5 pounds x2)
The most strangest thing is when we(honestly we look like a gang of Annoying asians(hahahaha)) walked in to register ourselves and other people were staring at us like animals from the zoo -.- kinda awkward!
The day started out with a few lectures given by a few pro pro angmor doctors( all graduated from Oxford/Cambridge OMG)
It was eventually an information day
The only scary part is that the atmosphere is very uneasy and you could feel the competitive in the air , Kinda creepy ehh?
Then there were workshops
which i enjoyed the most!
Managed to learn how suturing works(well, after a few fail pokes on the fake skin haha), ECGs, Xrays and some other clinical stuffs as well!
It was Great fun Getting your hands dirty! hehe!
The day was called off with a very cruel lecture on the payment of junior doctors nowadays!
The numbers seem small, but it was apparently the moderate class payment in the uk!
Ow Well! :/
-Meaningful day spent on mom's bday and also BRIGHTON MARATHON 2012!
Doubtlessly, i was already looking forward to this particular event since february!
It all came into action in 15th april 2012!
The sunny day started off with a really warm welcome by the volunteer committees(hurray!)
ended up late in the assembly point
but managed to grab a gear and an oversized(=.=) t-shirt to start the journey!
My role this year was to volunteer at a water station
After helping out to set up the tables and preparing the water bottles
Bang! 9am sharp the marathon started with a overwhelming uproar!
It was not until a quarter past nine when we had a First sight of lead runners( which were innnnncreeedddiiibllllyy fasttttt, imagine that u ran 6 miles in 15 minutesO.O) passing through our water station!
Then The big bunch of runners started passing , and we started getting excited!
There were runners in sports suits, tutus (haha) , Animal costumes, fairies dresses and much much more hilarious stuff! that moment of joy cannot be forgotten until now :) it just brings a smile to my face!
Apparently plenty of runners were on behalf of charity units, which was really heartwarming to see!
I didn't get to see the finishing line, but i could feel the uprising atmosphere all over brighton town !
Visitors, supporters, cheering squad...
Well, Life is joy!
Best day in brighton!
Well thats all the fun things that happened last week! ;)
will try and update this site as frequent as possible!
SO stay tuned!
And have a good day/good night!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
life-reviewing 1
bigg yeesss! its the totally-awesome-crazily--looking-forward-to half term holidays!
Been away from home is not something nice, but not totally something that sucks ! ill give it a neutral rating. haha.
well from the positive side, I'm grateful.TRULY grateful because it had given me a wider view. A Very WIDE one. sometimes thinking back, theres someone,something that makes you smile at the air; and theres moment which you think losing it means losing the world, then you'll start to feel that you were naive at the past timeline.
was quite goofy recently planning what to do ~
unfortunately and miserably ----
theres not a plan yet! so its free and random!(lets assume its good news!@@)
anyway tomorrow going out to marina n museum! yep theres a chance spotting new things! love travelling and gaining new knowledge!
Thanks god for giving me the chance! :D
lets start by saying some tiny things which i found interesting! (well, recently at most)
well i love sitting in the metallic coaches when the sceneries outside seem to fly freely
sometimes its the best place to think calmly indeed!
imagine those harry potter scenes with the three best friends sitting in the hogwarts express? those breathtaking sceneries DO EXIST!
was a waste though cause didn't take quite a lot of photos throughout the journey :/
its a really unique symbol of the town since its pebbles instead of
sand! went there quite a few days ago with friends to enjoy the fresh ocean breeze and sunshine
was quite overwhelmed to see the sea though!
ocean simply makes ur heart calm and relaxed! :)
was making up ideas of getting to the beach at spring or summer
to have barbecues and stuffs! ha! quite lucky to stay beside the sea!
anyway these are some of my one shot pieces of the beach .
well sharing with you guys makes it more worthy isn't it! :D
Lets keep some for the next post =D
This successive busy life (well for now) gave me a fine candy back, having crazy friends (Yes, especially one with high-pervertic-jokes) kinda makes life interesting, i have to admit it ! haha!
undoubtly, i miss everything in the past. My family, the rocking SMRENs, the warm home which sheltered me from rain .. everything, they just pour in ur mind and makes you wonder why you left. Human brain is naughty sometimes , its just a naked true fact. Minds make you strong, but they make you go wrong sometimes! ! @@!
Life is simple. its just humans who live it complicatedly.
thats my way. Just Simple! but colorful.
ill stop my typing here. thanks for the reading. if you don't mind just leave a light reply! :)
Gotta start getting my hands on voluntary works ! keeping my life busy and satisfied!=D
P/S:Just incase the future-me looks backwards, stay alive and slap yourself! thanks!
Friday, 27 January 2012
almost 1 month in the uk now
looking forward as usual
life's a constant line
--no waves
its true that when u're alone
mind gets over you
I'm still messing around with my choices
to be honest
im not ready
facing the general society is a challenge
aiming too high may make u fall with a severe injury
what should i do?
im not pessimistic
but I'm not optimistic either
i need confidence
i need to improve my self
i need to open up my mind
i need the enthusiasm to strive
what do you really want??
sometimes when u look back into the past
ull realize how naive u were
u can't help laughing the stupidity u once had
as usual, LDR- love u as always =)
Monday, 2 January 2012
Arrivals! =D
So the story starts around new years eve in UK~
The Sun's asleep today :(
cloudy,windy and cold here in brighton!
backstreet view from window!--------->
Had a simple but nice breakfast at the hostel lounge area!
butter scones+ toast bread+ milk+ cereal=yummy!
We went outdoors at about 10am ~and it was chilly and drizzling!
anyway the first thing we encountered is The Royal Pavillion!
Nice ancient building ehh=D
There is a ice rink in the Pavillion with lots of people! they seem to like ice skating a lot! @@!
Well Yes, Next is the window shopping time! =D
We went wandering through the streets most of the time ! well honestly its more interesting than holding a map! haha!so these are some of the beautiful streets!

Okay now for the main one! WHo will miss the FAMOUS FISH N CHIPS! This ONe's not the most famous one but its nice =)
Small extra:
Tesco supermart is established in the UK!
They don't have those big ones here! so this is kinda mini! XD
after 3 hours of annoying delay and 14 hours of backside torturing(wahahaha)
i finally reached the nice and lovely Great Britain
I've reached uk at night..
The night's cold and windy+ tired flight
so I'm just all the way to the hostel sleeping in the limo cab @@...
so I'm just all the way to the hostel sleeping in the limo cab @@...
Fortunately it was a great picking out
the hostel really is warm welcoming and home-friendly!
i remembered there were a few blondes and guys sitting at the bar stand
and they give us big smiles --> :)
and said "Happy New Year"!
well that was really a great start!
*really was warm hearing this!
ahh yeah
<---- this is my hostel room btw~ a small room but fully packed !
Its A tiring day @@....
12.00am 01.01.2012! fireworks went up the skies by the seaside! Hurray! 2012 is HERE! =D
New Year = A brand new start!
for me ,for SMRen for evryone!
strive everyone!
alright let's move on to the next day! New Years Day! double O One!
Gloomy And Wet Street! |
The Sun's asleep today :(
cloudy,windy and cold here in brighton!
backstreet view from window!--------->
Had a simple but nice breakfast at the hostel lounge area!
butter scones+ toast bread+ milk+ cereal=yummy!
We went outdoors at about 10am ~and it was chilly and drizzling!
anyway the first thing we encountered is The Royal Pavillion!
Nice ancient building ehh=D
Well Yes, Next is the window shopping time! =D
We went wandering through the streets most of the time ! well honestly its more interesting than holding a map! haha!so these are some of the beautiful streets!
Okay now for the main one! WHo will miss the FAMOUS FISH N CHIPS! This ONe's not the most famous one but its nice =)
Epic BIG piece of fresh fish deep fried+ large potato fries deep fried too! fat =P but nice for a snack! |
Next is the World's Famous Brighton Pier!
A nice seaside beach + a amusing park! a surely not-to-be-miss spot for family time!
Totally english taste buildings! XD |
The Pier! Alll the way to the middle of the sea! |
As you can see the weather is really bad O.O! thick clouds and wet all day long! Not much to do! |

Tesco supermart is established in the UK!
They don't have those big ones here! so this is kinda mini! XD
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